You can check some basic Jira functionality with our other demo: Task and Worklog Management for Marketing Teams >> click HERE!
Your company is expanding, so you have to build a new office. You want to track your issues within Jira, you want to separate the issues into multiple projects, but you also want to see an overview of the progress and check the workload of your Jira issues and decide on the assignee based on that.
You divide the tasks into three projects:
Every project have a leader, where you assign the issues, so you can check the assigned tasks and workload for your colleagues. It will help you with the scheduling also, as you can set up a timeline for the issues.
Also in the tutorial, you can check these issues in different views with BigPicture - Project Management & PPM
Once again, if you are new to Jira, you can check some basic functionality and features with our other demo: Task and Worklog Management for Marketing Teams >> click HERE!
In our imaginary scenario, you are part of the Marketing team, and you are working on the new office building. You want to check when your issues are scheduled and how busy your colleagues will be in the next few weeks.
You will have to:
1. Open a browser, and go to
2. Your login credentials are:
1. On the main navigation, choose Apps >> BigPicture
2. Click on the New Office Building (by timeline) name, or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/g
1. On the left side, you can see the issues, the status of the issues, and as you will see in the project column, they come from different projects.
2. On the right side, you can see the scheduling and the timeline, also the dependencies.
3. Feel free to play with the zoom icons, so you can see a different time period.
1. Above the GANTT chart, you can see the Quick filters drop-down field. Click on that!
2. Click on the My tasks quick filter!
3. You will see only the issues assigned to you!
4. To see all issues again, click on the Quick Filter, My tasks again!
1. Above the quick filter, you can see the Gantt drop down. Click on that, and click on the Resources option! Or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/re
2. You will see the different workloads of the different colleagues.
3. What do the colors mean? If it's green, you have some capacity, so they can assign new issues for you. If it's yellow/orange, you have a little capacity, within 1 workday, so maybe you can take the issue. If it's red, you are over your workload, so you are overburdened with issues.
1. Click on the Create icon in the main navigation bar.
2. Select Office - Design & Interior project.
3. Add a summary like Design wall decorations
4. Add an original estimate for the issue like 2 days (2d or 16h)
5. Click on create
1. If you left the page, go to the GANTT view or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/g
2. The new issue will be the last on the list on the left side. If you found it, in the GANTT view reschedule it!
3. To modify the start date, simply grab the left side of the bar, and move it somewhere else.
4. To modify the due date, simply grab the right side of the bar, and move it somewhere else.
5. You can check on the issue itself, it changes also!
1. Go to the Resources view, or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/re
2. You can see the new issue in the unassigned row on the scheduled days.
3. Simply drag & drop it for your user, Marketing Demo.
4. As you can see, you can schedule the issue also here as well.
1. On the main navigation, choose Apps >> BigPicture
2. Click on the New Office Building (by projects) name, or simply click here:!/box/PROG-2/g
3. As you can see, the left side structure is different. The issues all the same.
Feel free to try other funcitionalities within BigPicture. More about BigPicture here.
You can check some basic Jira functionality with our other demo: Task and Worklog Management for Marketing Teams >> click HERE!
Your company is expanding, so you have to build a new office. You want to track your issues within Jira, you want to separate the issues into multiple projects, but you also want to see an overview of the progress and check the workload of your Jira issues and decide on the assignee based on that.
You divide the tasks into three projects:
Every project have a leader, where you assign the issues, so you can check the assigned tasks and workload for your colleagues. It will help you with the scheduling also, as you can set up a timeline for the issues.
Also in the tutorial, you can check these issues in different views with BigPicture - Project Management & PPM
Once again, if you are new to Jira, you can check some basic functionality and features with our other demo: Task and Worklog Management for Marketing Teams >> click HERE!
In our imaginary scenario, you are part of the Marketing team, and you are working on the new office building. You want to check when your issues are scheduled and how busy your colleagues will be in the next few weeks.
You will have to:
1. Open a browser, and go to
2. Your login credentials are:
1. On the main navigation, choose Apps >> BigPicture
2. Click on the New Office Building (by timeline) name, or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/g
1. On the left side, you can see the issues, the status of the issues, and as you will see in the project column, they come from different projects.
2. On the right side, you can see the scheduling and the timeline, also the dependencies.
3. Feel free to play with the zoom icons, so you can see a different time period.
1. Above the GANTT chart, you can see the Quick filters drop-down field. Click on that!
2. Click on the My tasks quick filter!
3. You will see only the issues assigned to you!
4. To see all issues again, click on the Quick Filter, My tasks again!
1. Above the quick filter, you can see the Gantt drop down. Click on that, and click on the Resources option! Or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/re
2. You will see the different workloads of the different colleagues.
3. What do the colors mean? If it's green, you have some capacity, so they can assign new issues for you. If it's yellow/orange, you have a little capacity, within 1 workday, so maybe you can take the issue. If it's red, you are over your workload, so you are overburdened with issues.
1. Click on the Create icon in the main navigation bar.
2. Select Office - Design & Interior project.
3. Add a summary like Design wall decorations
4. Add an original estimate for the issue like 2 days (2d or 16h)
5. Click on create
1. If you left the page, go to the GANTT view or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/g
2. The new issue will be the last on the list on the left side. If you found it, in the GANTT view reschedule it!
3. To modify the start date, simply grab the left side of the bar, and move it somewhere else.
4. To modify the due date, simply grab the right side of the bar, and move it somewhere else.
5. You can check on the issue itself, it changes also!
1. Go to the Resources view, or simply click here:!/box/PROG-1/re
2. You can see the new issue in the unassigned row on the scheduled days.
3. Simply drag & drop it for your user, Marketing Demo.
4. As you can see, you can schedule the issue also here as well.
1. On the main navigation, choose Apps >> BigPicture
2. Click on the New Office Building (by projects) name, or simply click here:!/box/PROG-2/g
3. As you can see, the left side structure is different. The issues all the same.
Feel free to try other funcitionalities within BigPicture. More about BigPicture here.