Training For Jira Users

Registration Deadline:

April 7, 2023

Course date:

April 14, 2023


Who should join?

This course is specially designed to meet the needs of new Jira users (developers, project managers, directors, and other interested users), and does not require any prior training.

At the same time, the practical examples and real-life tips and tricks are also helpful for people already familiar with Jira, but they are not exploiting it fully.

About the course

META-INF registration number in the Hungarian Adult Education Data System: B/2020/005584

An eight-hour course, with individual modules consisting of a presentation followed by problem-solving with practical examples. Throughout the course, we will take special care to ensure enough time to respond to individual questions during the practical stage. The group will begin with a minimum of six participants, and a maximum of 16. You will need your own laptop for the course's practical stage.


EUR 180 + VAT / person


Online / META-INF Office


8 hours

Other dates

Course Themes

  • What is Jira good for?
  • Welcome screen, navigation, menu structure
  • Task management (linking, resolutions, etc.)
  • Project structuring (components, versions, etc.)
  • Workflow basics
  • Searches, filters, dashboards

After the course

  • The participants feel at home working in a Jira system.
  • They have gained practical knowledge and extensive proficiency in the world of projects, tasks and workflows.
  • They have earned abilities beyond the use of basic functions – through features that do not require administrator privileges – and learned to shape their work environment to their own needs with the help of dashboards and queries.
  • They have tried out good practices that increase the effectiveness of their team, for instance, in relation to project management, work-time accounting and developing teamwork.
  • META-INF registration number in the Hungarian Adult Education Data System: B/2020/005584

Our instructors

Károly Békési

Atlassian Consultant

"They did not know it was impossible, so they did it." (Mark Twain)


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Training For Jira Users

Regisztrációs határidő:






Kurzus ideje:









Kiket várunk?

This course is specially designed to meet the needs of new Jira users (developers, project managers, directors, and other interested users), and does not require any prior training.

At the same time, the practical examples and real-life tips and tricks are also helpful for people already familiar with Jira, but they are not exploiting it fully.

A kurzusról

META-INF registration number in the Hungarian Adult Education Data System: B/2020/005584

An eight-hour course, with individual modules consisting of a presentation followed by problem-solving with practical examples. Throughout the course, we will take special care to ensure enough time to respond to individual questions during the practical stage. The group will begin with a minimum of six participants, and a maximum of 16. You will need your own laptop for the course's practical stage.


EUR 180 + VAT / person


Online / META-INF Office


8 hours

További meghirdetett időpontok

A kurzus témái

  • What is Jira good for?
  • Welcome screen, navigation, menu structure
  • Task management (linking, resolutions, etc.)
  • Project structuring (components, versions, etc.)
  • Workflow basics
  • Searches, filters, dashboards

A képzés után

  • The participants feel at home working in a Jira system.
  • They have gained practical knowledge and extensive proficiency in the world of projects, tasks and workflows.
  • They have earned abilities beyond the use of basic functions – through features that do not require administrator privileges – and learned to shape their work environment to their own needs with the help of dashboards and queries.
  • They have tried out good practices that increase the effectiveness of their team, for instance, in relation to project management, work-time accounting and developing teamwork.
  • META-INF registration number in the Hungarian Adult Education Data System: B/2020/005584


Békési Károly

Atlassian Consultant
